On Tuesday 30th July, Bruecrew sent a letter to the Environment agency informing them as to the huge amount of Himalayan balsam on the river banks above the river Brue dam. Not only did the letter advise them of the potential spread of this invasive plant it also contained photo’s. The letter has been transcribed below.
Henry Quinney
Assets and Maintenance Engagement Advisor
Environment Agency
Rivers House
Sunrise Business Park
Blandford Forum
DT11 8ST
Dear Henry,
BRUTON DAM Asset Number 1122447 1090R17
Thankyou again for hosting BrueCREW for a tour of Bruton Flood Storage Reservoir last June.
This year, Himalayan Balsam has totally covered the banks of the Brue immediately upstream of the Flood Storage Reservoir, more completely than last year, and likely to grow ever-worse if action is not taken against this invasive species. Whilst attractive during its flowering stage, Himalayan Balsam sets seeds, which when mature disperse over a wide area and are carried downstream. As the plant grows in the spring it smothers native plants leaving the river bank exposed to erosion during the winter months.
Last year, BrueCREW offered to organise work parties of volunteers to remove these invasive plants, avoiding the use of harmful chemicals. We have just undertaken another work party in Central Bruton last Sunday, where we ‘balsam bashed’ a new area of one of the Brue tributaries that had become similarly invaded to above our Flood Storage Reservoir. It feels futile to keep ‘bashing’ in central Bruton, while more seeds will simply flow downriver.
We understand that permission for the riparian habitats that the Environment Agency controls above the Flood Storage Reservoir has not to date been forthcoming, owing to fears of volunteer safety. We urge the Agency to reconsider this, and instead to work with BrueCREW to agree as risk assessment that both organisations can be happy with, resulting in a volunteer-led initiative that we can all be proud of. Can we please politely remind you this our informative visit to the site last June was enabled by BrueCREW’s own public liability insurance.
The attached photos, taken on Tuesday 23 July, show just how wide spread the Himalayan Balsam is becoming above the Bruton Flood Storage Reservoir.
Graham Clarke
BrueCREW Secretary
07780 886093