Our aim is to restore the natural balance of Bruton’s stretch of the river Brue as a haven for wildlife, and to promote our riverside as somewhere relaxing to spend time with nature.
We will work to connect Bruton’s historic town centre with footpaths upstream and downstream, learning under the guidance of Somerset Wildlife Trust and the Wild Trout Trust to enhance the river that gave Bruton its name, for the enjoyment of everyone who lives in or visits our town.
A river for wildlife
Kingfishers, dragon flies and damsel flies have all been spotted on the river Brue.
BrueCREW is a charitable incorporated organisation.
BrueCREW’s aim is to restore the natural balance of Bruton’s stretch of the river Brue as a haven for wildlife, and to promote the riverside as somewhere relaxing to spend time with nature.
BrueCREW will work to connect Bruton’s historic town centre with footpaths upstream and downstream, learning under the guidance of Somerset Wildlife Trust and the Wild Trout Trust to enhance the river that gave Bruton its name, for the enjoyment of everyone who lives in or visits our town.
BrueCREW’s trustees are:
Ewan Jones (Chair)
James Coward (Treasurer)
Graham Clarke (Secretary)
Kimberley Wood
Em Coulter
Anne Strickland
Max Milligan
Former trustees are:
Jane Durney
Nick Crombie
Pennie Dunn
John Halsted
Roger White
BrueCREW’s events are posted on Facebook @BrueCR3W. Also on Face Book at Bruton, Greener Bruton and Alternative Bruton
To be added to BrueCREW’s email list, (mailchimp) please email graham@bruecrew.org
Well, thats another year gone and here we are removing the yearly crop of Himalayan Balsum that grows each year along the banks of the river Brue running through Bruton. This year is seems particularly bad, but as ever what could be seen on Saturday has gone. Sorry to hear that Mike (who usually attends) has a cold, so get well soon. We will be carrying out another sweep of the river later this month.
Himalayan Balsum Bash Sunday 9th July
Many thanks to Ewan, Stella, Mike and Graham for giving up their time to remove the Himalayan Balsum from above and below church bridge on Sunday 9th July. As well as the Balsum there was an enormous amount of Bind Weed removed. Well done folks
Bruton Bund/Dam Historical Facts
Following memorable floods in 1979 and 1982, Bruton’s flood storage reservoir was built a mile upstream, to ‘slow the flow’, and hence protect the town from the flash-flooding that our Brue headwaters are prone to. The 1982 flood seriously damaged Church Bridge, the repair of which is commemorated by a plaque on its downstream wall. The Environment Agency also lowered the weir beneath to reduce turbulence.
Our flood protection bund and storage reservoir were improved in 2008, adding capacity to protect Bruton from likely impacts of climate change over the next 50 years, while also strengthening its embankment. We are therefore arguably better guarded from flooding than any town in Somerset, but our unique geology, and consequent geomorphology, requires such hydrological damping.
On Tuesday 30th July, Bruecrew sent a letter to the Environment agency informing them as to the huge amount of Himalayan balsam on the river banks above the river Brue dam. Not only did the letter advise them of the potential spread of this invasive plant it also contained photo’s. The letter has been transcribed …
Many thanks to Mike, Nick, Lauren, Ewen, Stella and Graham for given up their time to remove whats left of the Himalayan Balsam above and downstream from Church bridge. Also undertaken was a heavy amount of Balsam just upstream of the railway bridge on Lusty stream. Amazing work. Thanks guys, from the Bruecrew team
Well it’s that time of year again and Himalayan Balsum bashing has taken place. At the moment there is no sign of any Himalayan Balsum but only time will tell.
To become a paying member, please paste the following link into your browser then print the form, complete and send it to the address shown below.,
( https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y9m1zpl71i1yahqi0ba0w/180920-Membership-form-JD-v0.3-1.docx?dl=0&rlkey=cnrqf6ikkhllx58vcrvfh8rsy ) please copy/paste the following form, print and send to the charities treasurer and follow the instructions quoted on the social media pages:
Treasurer, James Coward. email; james@jamescoward.com or info@bruecrew.org
Membership provides funds towards equipment for work parties, Riverfly monitoring, insurance, expert advice from organisations such as the Wild Trout Trust, and training. Members can play a role in BrueCREW by attending our AGM and taking part in our activities.
I would like to help to restore the natural balance of Bruton’s stretch of the river Brue as a haven for wildlife, and to promote our riverside as somewhere relaxing to spend time with nature.
Individual £10 per annum
Family £15 per annum
Child (<16 years) FREE
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I want to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to BrueCREW. I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and / or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
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Please notify BrueCREW ( info@bruecrew.org ) if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address, no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and / or capital gains.
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More information is in our Privacy Policy which is available by emailing info@bruecrew.org.
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BrueCREW Membership
Standing Order Form
Instructions to your bank to pay your annual membership fee by Standing Order
To the Manager
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