
Contact us by emailing

or via our Facebook page @BrueCR3W


To become a paying member, please paste the following link into your browser then print the form, complete and send it to the address shown below.,

( ) please copy/paste the following form, print and send to the charities treasurer and follow the instructions quoted on the social media pages:

Treasurer, James Coward. email; or


BrueCREW Membership

Membership provides funds towards equipment for work parties, Riverfly monitoring, insurance, expert advice from organisations such as the Wild Trout Trust, and training. Members can play a role in BrueCREW by attending our AGM and taking part in our activities.

I would like to help to restore the natural balance of Bruton’s stretch of the river Brue as a haven for wildlife, and to promote our riverside as somewhere relaxing to spend time with nature.


  • Individual                            £10 per annum
  • Family                                   £15 per annum
  • Child (<16 years)              FREE

Or you can support our work at a higher level

Please indicate the amount you would like to give per year: £­ ………

I am paying by (please tick)

  • Standing order (please complete a standing order form)
  • Cheque (payable to BrueCREW)
  • Cash

Member details

Title       ……………..             First name           …………………….    Surname              ………………………………………

Title       ……………..             First name           …………………….    Surname              ………………………………………



Town                     …………………………….                                          Postcode             …………………………….

Phone                   …………………………….                                          Email                     …………………………….

Children aged (15 years old and below)                 

 First nameSurnameDate of birth

Tick to Gift Aid your donation (where applicable)

Boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate. Please read the declaration below, tick the box and sign and date if you qualify and wish to proceed.

  • I want to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to BrueCREW. I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and / or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Signature ……………………………………..                                                   Date ……………………………………..

Please notify BrueCREW ( ) if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address, no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and / or capital gains.

Don’t miss out!

We value your support. To help you get the most out of your BrueCREW membership, we’ll keep you fully informed about charitable work, walks and membership information and benefits, as well as appeals. Please tick the boxes below to tell us what you would like to hear more about. You can be assured that we will not sell your details to other organisations.

Please note your response to this question will overwrite your previous communication preferences.

Charitable work and appeals       [  ] Email               [  ] Text                 [  ] Phone

Email is our primary means of communication and how people find out about our activities so please tick the email box if you can.

More information is in our Privacy Policy which is available by emailing

You can unsubscribe from mail, emails or phone calls by contacting us at

BrueCREW Membership

Standing Order Form

Instructions to your bank to pay your annual membership fee by Standing Order

To the Manager

Bank or Building Society____________________              Your Name___________________________

Address                                                                                                Address

_______________________________________                ____________________________________

_______________________________________                ____________________________________

_______________________________________                ____________________________________

Postcode _______________________________                Postcode ____________________________

Sort code                             ___________________

Account number              ___________________

Please pay the sum of £ ____________ on the _____ day of  __________________ 20_____

And £ ___________ thereafter on the 1 day of April 2020.

And from that date annually until further notice.

To           Co-operative Bank

Sort code 08 92 99

Account number 65857133

Your name (printed)       _______________________

Signature                             _______________________                       Date _________________________

This standing order may be cancelled at any time by informing your bank or building society

Please return this form to:

BrueCREW, 5 Townsend Rise, Bruton, Somerset. BA10 0JA

Any questions, email

BrueCREW is a registered charity, number 1176427