Bruecrew AGM

Our AGM will be held on November 16th 2021 in the Club Room underneath At The Chapel, Bruton high street. Commence 7.30pm. All welcome. For further info, please email

Easter Escapade, Hauser and Wirth

Bruecrew will be manning their stand at this years Easter Escapade at Hauser and Wirth on Good Friday 10th April 2020 from 11am until 4pm.

We would really appreciate some volunteers through out this time to help our staff man the stand. If you can spare an hour (or two) please email “”

Pumpkin Festival 2019

Bruecrew once again had their own stall at the 2019 Pumpkin Festival in October. It drew quite a lot of interest from the public who were interested to see what the Bruecrew actually does for the community. Children were encouraged to draw a fish in a competition to design a yellow fish that will be stencilled onto drains that discharge directly into the Brue. The aim is to reduce pollution in the river from accidental discharges.

Walk To The Source

In June 2019 ten intrepid explorers plus two dogs set off from the stepping stones in Bruton to walk to the source of the river Brue some six miles distant. Despite encounters with natives along the way they made it safely and enjoyed a packed lunch.

Building Two Berms

We need your strong arms and backs next Saturday, 30th March, to complete BrueCREW’s most ambitious ‘natural flood management’ work to date – building two stone berms upstream of Church Bridge. Please tell us here if you can help. You can register at Eventbrite or email  

Volunteers should arrive at 9 am for a briefing, by the riverside benches at the Patwell Lane end of Church Bridge. Local stone will have been delivered into the river early in the morning, and our job is to create two teardrop shaped berms, under the expert  direction of the Wild Trout Trust – Think horizontal dry (or wet?) stone walling.

This work party suits energetic gardeners, builders or sportspeople – please bring a few friends, or encourage those you know to join us, as many hands make light work!

We recommend waders and stout gloves. Wellies may be sufficient if the flow is low on Saturday. Expect to finish early afternoon.

The two stone berms will deflect water towards the northern arch (at Church Bridge Stores’ end of the bridge), ‘Slowing the Flow’ to reduce flash flood risk through Bruton. Berms vary the flow through the canalised town centre, and also provide good habitats for invertebrates and fish.

Materials have been funded by a £1,000 Hills to Levels capital grant from Somerset Rivers Authority. BrueCREW have secured Environment Agency permission.

Please let us know if you can help, so that we have a good idea of numbers ahead of Saturday 30th March

Membership Form

BrueCREW Membership

Membership provides funds towards equipment for work parties, Riverfly monitoring, insurance, expert advice from organisations such as the Wild Trout Trust, and training. Members can play a role in BrueCREW by attending our AGM and taking part in our activities.



Monthly Walk: February

The first walk looks as though it was a success with 15 people undertaking the 3 mile walk starting from the stepping stones in Bruton and walking up past the fish ponds to Hauser and Wirth car park then up the hill towards open farm land, then down towards the dam and finally walking along the river bank and back to the stepping stones. Everybody was chatting the whole way round and the distance and time went quickly. The next walk will be on March 2nd and will be interesting to see the difference to growth in the hedgerows. A short 17 minute video of the walk can be found on our Facebook page and also on our YouTube channel.

Hauser and Wirth Summer Party

The total donations from the Hauser and Wirth summer party were an amazing £7,485.83!!!

Many thanks to all visitors over the weekend for their generosity, and all the team at the gallery for their support and energy in making this happen – a wonderful annual event for Bruton, and the source of great things for Brue CREW

Please come to our Launch Event next Wednesday evening
At the Chapel to find out more about, and discuss, what we can all do for the Brue…

Hear the experiences of The Wild Trout Trust, and CATCH – Community Action to Transform Cale Habitat

Brue Crew Launch

Wednesday 26th July, 7:30 to 9:30 pm in the Clubroom At The Chapel.

Former Bruton resident Luke Kozak has walked our stretch of the River Brue, and he will present his advice on what we can do to restore its natural balance. We are grateful to the Environment Agency for funding the Wild Trout Trust to produce this Advisory Visit Report.

We have also invited representatives of Wincanton’s CATCH (Community Action to Transform the Cale Habitat) group to join our Launch and inspire us with their story.

Please do enthuse your friends, families and neighbours to come along on the launch evening and find out how much fun we can all have “messing about on the river” Brue.